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Denarii Games

A member registered Aug 17, 2021

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Technically, the wasps can't see you through the walls even though the mesh indicates otherwise. There is a Physics.Linecast and the walls are on occluding layers. Unfortunately I didn't have time to add in the stencil to the shader that would have corrected that optical bug. Great report though... big thanks!!

BunnyViking is a maestro and created all the art from scratch, starting about 3 hours after the theme was announced. We were both hoping theme would be conductor or comes around but alas. We didn’t have any pre-conceived takes on chaos, and so latched on to the play on words.

Points on movement and detection are fair. I take the blame on both as  we were using essentially a 3D character controller with Game Creator and required some hacks to get it to kind of work in 2.5D. Another week and it would be polished-er. ;) 

I’ll take your cone parenting tip in advisement as I plan to refactor the perception code for other projects.

Last, I listened in on your stream... thanks for that. The music is licensed for commercial use thru a music and SFX Humble Bundle about two months ago.

Thanks for the detailed review!!

Got some getting used to playing two handed but fun once got hang of it. Music was great.

Got some getting used to playing two handed. Music was great.

I do enjoy arcade games and yours is addicting. Thanks for making it!

I do enjoy arcade games and this one is pretty addicting. Well done!

I could watch that ragdoll all day. Nice job!

Been coding for a while but not published anything. So I teamed up with an experienced artist and we came up with this in a week...

Play and rate mine, I'll certainly do the same for yours.

(1 edit)

Hey Mike. Would love to get your feedback.

It's an interesting mechanic. I actually like it for something like a spell duel, where you have to "keep focus" and advance your beam.

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That's some serious stun lock! Impressed you got two players working for the jam.

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Hi guys. I'm sorry I couldn't get it to load either. Console says Uncaught SyntaxError: illegal character U+FFFD which I suspect is an issue with compression on in your build.

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Neat concept. I'll echo that it was a bit laggy in webGL. I really wanted to blow up the truck!

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Thanks Gia. Bunny is a monster and cranked out every art asset.


That was really enjoyable! Modern take on Frogger with isometric perspective.

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Thanks Nate! The physics issue comes from a fundamentally 3d player controller trying to operate as a 2d sidescroller. We'll try to fix it next time.

Asteroids grew up and became a better game. Nice job! I really like the soundtrack.

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Hi @boxey1. Looks like packaging issue on WebGL. I was able to get it to run on Windows but had to first extract the app. Definitely chaotic!

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